Regal Crown Candy Sour Cherry Rolls 24 Pack


Regal Crown Candy Sour Cherry Rolls 24 Pack

Sour Cherry Regal Crown Candy is the perfect old-fashioned treat you used to love. Previously discontinued, these sour candies are back on the market and delicious as ever.

Sour Cherry Regal Crown Candy tastes fruity with a tangy finish that will make your mouth water. While Sour Cherry is a true classic, other flavors include Sour Lemon, Sour Apple, and Sour Grape.

Try each of these classic sour candy disk flavors to find your favorite. With bulk Regal Crown Candy from Candy Nation, getting your nostalgic candy choices has never been easier.

Tart cherry hard candy, individually wrapped.

Each Regal Crown roll contains 7 pieces of Sour Cherry Candy. 24 Regal Crown Sour Cherry Candy Rolls per box.

Old Fashioned Candy

Cherry Candy

Sour Candy

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Brands Iconic Candy